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May 10, 2017 ENAC, Via Gaeta 3- Sala Tamburro, Roma. Business Aviation: ENAC listens to the industry – the challenges proposed by the AIR OPS NCC regulation.

  • The implementation of the EU Regulation 800/2013 that modifies the EU Regulation 965/2012 regarding the “Non-Commercial” operations arise a series of questions that need to be clarified according to the legislator’s spirit on the norm.
  • The round table purpose is to carry out a preliminary assessment of the implementation of the new Regulation Part- NCC and to verify the progress of the issues discussed in the ENAC-IBAA Observatory founded in 2015 in the EBAA/IBAA Forum on Business Aviation in Italy.

Download the program.

Slide presentation eng. Marco Rosati

Presentation slide adv. Anna Masutti

Presentation slide Dr. Alexander Bavaria